Grouse Microsatellites

Microsatellites that work successfully on Sage-Grouse & Sharp-tailed Grouse (also work on Prairie Chickens & Blue Grouse):


***NOTE - always test all 6 PCR conditions on your Grouse species of interest of first since conditions will vary depending on your PCR machine!***

1) TUT3 - PCR condition 3 (can be multiplexed with TUT1 & 4) - Capercaillie - Segelbacher et al. (2000) Mol. Ecol.

2) TUT4 - PCR condition 3 (can be multiplexed with TUT1 & 3) - Capercaillie - Segelbacher et al. (2000) Mol. Ecol.

3) TUD1 - PCR condition 3 - Capercaillie - Segelbacher et al. (2000) Mol. Ecol.

4) TUD3 - PCR condition 1 - Capercaillie - Segelbacher et al. (2000) Mol. Ecol.

5) TUD4 - PCR condition 5 - Capercaillie - Segelbacher et al. (2000) Mol. Ecol.

6) TTT1 - PCR condition 3 - Black Grouse - Caizergues et al. (2001) Mol. Ecol.

7) TTT3 - PCR condition 6 - Black Grouse - Caizergues et al. (2003) Mol. Ecol.

8) TTD1 - PCR condition 6 - Black Grouse - Caizergues et al. (2001) Mol. Ecol.

9) TTD2 - PCR condition 6 - Black Grouse - Caizergues et al. (2001) Mol. Ecol. 

10) TTD6 - PCR condition 6 - Black Grouse - Caizergues et al. (2001) Mol. Ecol.

11) SGCA5 - PCR condition 4 - Sage-Grouse - Taylor et al. (2003) Mol. Ecol.

12) SGCA9-2 - PCR condition 2 - Sage-Grouse - Taylor et al. (2003) Mol. Ecol. - Redesigned reverse primer

13) ADL230 - PCR condition 4 - Chicken - GenBank accession #G01650

14) LLSD8 - PCR condition 4 - Red Grouse - Piertney & Dallas (1997) Mol. Ecol.

15) BG6 - PCR condition 3 - Black Grouse - Piertney & Höglund (2001) Mol. Ecol.

16) BG14 - PCR condition 5 - Black Grouse - Piertney & Höglund (2001) Mol. Ecol.

17) BG15 - PCR condition 5 - Black Grouse - Piertney & Höglund (2001) Mol. Ecol.

18) BG16 -  PCR condition 2 - Black Grouse -  Piertney & Höglund (2001) Mol. Ecol.

19) RHT0094 - PCR condition 6 - Turkey - Burt et al. (2003) Animal Genetics

20) CUAAAG43 - PCR condition 3 - Sage-Grouse -

21) CUAACC8B - PCR condition 3 - Sage-Grouse -

22) CUAACC46A - PCR condition 3 - Sage-Grouse -

23) CUAAGG37 - PCR condition 3 - Sage-Grouse -

Sex-linked, but useful for male analyses

1) TUT1 - Capercaillie - Segelbacher et al. (2000) Mol. Ecol.

2) BG12 - Black Grouse -  Piertney & Höglund (2001) Mol. Ecol.

Microsatellite that I have tried on 8 Sage-Grouse samples and were either monomorphic, dimorphic, worked (had null alleles or amplified more than one microsatellite), or did not work under any of the 6 PCR conditions

• SGCA6 (does not work), SGCA11 (does not work consistently), & SGCTAT1 (mass amounts of null alleles) - Sage-Grouse - Taylor et al. (2003) Mol. Ecol.

• LLST1, LLSD2, LLSD3, LLSD4 (and LLSD4 redesigned - both sex linked & mass amounts of null alleles), LLSD5, LLSD6, LLSD7, LLSD9, LLSD10 - Red Grouse - Piertney & Dallas (1997) Mol. Ecol.

• LLST2, LLST3, LLST4, LLST5, LLST6, LLST7 - Red Grouse - Piertney et al. (1998) Mol. Ecol.

• O1AAT20, O1AAT34, O1AAT37, O1AAT74, O1AAT85, O1AAT96, O1AAT108, O1AAT128 - Wood Quail - Halle & Hughes (2003) Mol. Ecol. Notes

• TUD2, TUD5, TUD6, TUD7, TUD8, TUT2 - Capercaillie - Segelbacher et al. (2000) Mol. Ecol.

• TTD3, TTD4, TTD5, TTT2 - Black Grouse - Caizergues et al. (2001) Mol. Ecol.

• BG4, BG10, BG18, BG19, BG20 - Black Grouse -  Piertney & Höglund (2001) Mol. Ecol.

• Cc1, Cc2, Cc3, Cc25, Cc93, Cc269, Cc346 - California & Gambel's Quail - Gee et al. (2003) Mol. Ecol. Notes

• MCW16 - Chicken - Coijmans et al. (1994) J. Hered.

• U60782, U60783, U60786, U60787, U60791, U60792, U60793, AF012928 - Chicken - Takahashi et al. (1998) J. Hered.

• WT10, WT54, WT75, WT83, WT38-2, WT77-2, WT90-2 - Turkey - Latch et al. (2002) Mole. Ecol. Notes

• RHT0024, RHT0037, RHT0095, RHT0131, RHT0143, RHT0294, RHT0297, TUM20, ADL0023 - Turkey - Burt et al. (2003) Animal Genetics