• Researcher, aviangenetics.com, Kellogg, Idaho & Edmonton, Alberta, September 2010 -
• Post-Doctoral Fellow, Fish & Wildlife Resources, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, September 2009 - August 2010
- Research: Genetic Diversity and Habitat Fragmentation of Northern Montana
Sage-Grouse and Alberta Sharp-tailed Grouse
- Supervisor: Dr. Kerry Reese
• Doctorate of Science, Candidate, Environmental Biology & Ecology, University of Alberta, 2003 - 2009
- Thesis: Genetic Diversity and Paternity Analysis of Endangered Canadian
- Supervisors: Dr. Cindy Paszkowski & Dr. Dave Coltman
• B.Sc. Honors Animal Biology, University of Alberta, 2001 - 2003
- Thesis: Genetic Analysis of Southeastern Alberta Sage-Grouse
- Supervisors: Dr. Cindy Paszkowski & Dr. Francis Yeh
B.Sc. Honors Molecular Genetics, University of Alberta, 1997 - 2001
- Thesis: Pheasant Phylogenetics
- Supervisor: Dr. Curtis Strobeck
• McAfee Estate Scholarship in Zoology,
University of Alberta, 2009
• University of Alberta AOU Travel Fund for Attending Avian Conferences, 2008
• Charles Sivelle Scholarship, American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society, 2007
• University of Alberta AOU Travel Fund for Attending Avian Conferences, 2007
• Walter H. Johns Fellowship, University of Alberta, 2007
• Walter H. Johns Fellowship, University of Alberta, 2006
• Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management (SERM) Award, Saskatchewan Environment, 2006
• University of Alberta FGSR Research Travel Award, University of Alberta, 2006
• Department of Biological Sciences Travel Award, University of Alberta, 2006
• Bob Landon Bursary, Canadian Ornamental Pheasant and Gamebird Association, 2005
• Walter H. Johns Fellowship, University of Alberta, 2005
• Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral (PGSD), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), May 2005 - April 2008
• Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management (SERM) Award, Saskatchewan Environment, 2005
• Orville Erickson Memorial Scholarship, Canadian Wildlife Foundation, 2004
• Walter H. Johns Fellowship, University of Alberta, 2004
• Postgraduate Scholarship - Master's (PGSM), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), May 2004 - April 2005
• Charles Sivelle Scholarship, American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society, 2003
• Graduate Teaching Assistantship, University of Alberta, September 2003 - April 2004
• Department of Biological Sciences Teaching Assistantship Scholarship, University of Alberta, 2003
• Frances M. Peacock Scholarship for Native Bird Habitat, Garden Club of America, 2003
• Alexander Rutherford Scholarship, Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund, September 1997
• University of Alberta Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Alberta, 1997
• Bob Landon Bursary, Canadian Ornamental Pheasant and Gamebird Association, 1997
• Faculty of Engineering Entrance Scholarship, University of Alberta, declined, 1997
Grants Received
For Post-Doc Research Project on Sage-Grouse & Sharp-tailed Grouse Genetics
• Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Montana, $35,000, 2009
• World Wildlife U.S.A., $5,000, 2009
• Grant Eligible - Conservation Fund, Alberta Conservation Association, $20,000, 2009
For Graduate Research Project on Sage-Grouse Genetics
• Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Montana, $6,000, 2007 (in conjunction with research being conducted by Dr. Dave Naugle at the University of Montana)
• The Nature Conservancy and Nature Conservancy Canada, $7,000 (US), 2007
• Endangered Species Recovery Fund, World Wildlife Fund Canada and Environment Canada, $8,000, 2007
• Leslie Tassel Fund, American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society, $500, 2006
• Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Montana, $10,000, 2006/2007 (in conjunction with research being conducted by Dr. Dave Naugle at the University of Montana)
• Challenge Grants in Biodiversity, Alberta Conservation Association and Alberta Cooperative Conservation Unit (ACCRU), $15,000, 2005/2006
• Parks Canada Species at Risk Recovery Action and Education Fund (SARRAEF), Parks Canada, $20,000 ($5,000 per year X 3 years + an extra $5,000 in 2006), 2005/2006/2007
• Endangered Species Recovery Fund, World Wildlife Fund Canada and Environment Canada, $12,000, 2005
• Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Development Initiatives Program, Government of Alberta, $5000, 2004
• Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management (SERM) Award, Saskatchewan Environment, $5,000, 2004
• Grant Eligible - Conservation Fund, Alberta Conservation Association, $14,500, 2004
• Endangered Species Recovery Fund, World Wildlife Fund Canada and Environment Canada, $20,500, 2003
• Grant Eligible - Conservation Fund, Alberta Conservation Association, $10,500, 2003
• Taverner Award, Society of Canadian Ornithologists, $500, 2003
For Graduate Research on Sharp-tailed Grouse Genetics
• Grant Eligible - Conservation Fund, Alberta Conservation Association, $10,000, 2007
• Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Development Initiatives Program, Government of Alberta, $4,000, 2006/2007
• Legacy Fund, Alberta Professional Outfitters Society (APOS), $1,500, 2006/2007
For Undergraduate Research Project on Sage-Grouse Paternity
• Prairie Ornamental Pheasant and Waterfowl Association, $300, 2003
• Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Development Initiatives Program, Government of Alberta, $5000, 2002
• Leslie Tassel Fund, American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society, $750, 2002
For Graduate Research Project on Sage-Grouse Genetics
• World Wildlife U.S.A., 2006/2007
Papers Published in Refereed Scientific Journals
• Bird, K.L. 2013. Observation of Polyandry in Endangered Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Alberta, Canada. Northwestern Naturalist 94(3): 247-252.
• Bird, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Carpenter,
J.E., Paszkowski, C.A., Boyce, M.S., and Coltman, D.W. Online Early. The secret sex lives of
Sage-Grouse: multiple paternity and intraspecific nest parasitism revealed
through genetic analysis. Behavioral Ecology.
• Bush, K.L.,
Dyte, C.K., Moynahan, B.J., Walker, B.L., Sauls, H.S., Battazzo, A.M., Aldridge,
C.L., Doherty,
K.E., Tack, J., Carlson, J., Eslinger, D., Nicholson, J., Boyce, M.S., Naugle,
D.E., Paszkowski,
C.A., & Coltman, D.W. 2011. Living on the edge: population structure and genetic
diversity of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in fragmented
landscapes at
the northern edge of their range. Conservation Genetics 12: 527-542.
• Bush, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Carpenter, J.E., Paszkowski, C.A., Boyce, M.S., and Coltman, D.W. 2010. Birds of a feather do not always lek together: genetic diversity and kinship structure of Greater Sage-Grouse in Alberta. Auk 127(2): 343-353.
• Bush, K.L. 2008. Using a Pressure Operated Drop Net System to Capture Endangered Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Alberta, Canada. Journal of Field Ornithology 79 (1): 64-70.
• Bush, K.L., Vinsky, M.D., Aldridge, C.L., and Paszkowski, C.A. 2005. A comparison of sample types varying in invasiveness for use in DNA sex determination in an endangered population of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Conservation Genetics 6: 867-870.
• Bush, K.L. & Strobeck, C. 2003. Phylogenetic Relationships of the Phasianidae Reveals Possible Non-Pheasant Taxa. Journal of Heredity 94(6): 472-489.
Papers Submitted to Refereed Scientific Journals
Papers In Preparation for Refereed Scientific Journals
• Bird, K.L., Paszkowski, C.A., and Coltman, D.W. No decrease in genetic diversity of Canadian Sage-Grouse over time despite significant demographic declines. Being prepared for the Journal of Heredity.
• Bird, K.L., Kaczor, N.W., Doherty, K.E., Walker, B.L., Reese, K.P., Naugle, D.E., Paszkowski, C.A., and Coltman, D.W. Population genetics of Greater Sage-Grouse in a landscape fragmented by energy development. Being prepared for Conservation Genetics.
• Bird, K.L., Kaczor, N.W., and Reese, K.P. Using resistance surfaces and least cost paths to identify barriers to endangered avian species. Being prepared for Molecular Ecology.
• Bird, K.L., Kaczor, N.W., Dyte, C.K., Nicholson, J., and Reese, K.P. Canaries in a coal mine: using Sharp-tailed Grouse to study fragmentation in a sensitive prairie ecosystem. Being prepared for Molecular Ecology.
• Bird, K.L., Kaczor, N.W., Carlson, J., and Reese, K.P. Connectivity across borders: using genetics to determine management strategies for an avian population that is endangered in Canada and hunted in the United States. Being prepared for the Condor.
• Bird, K.L., Nicholson, J., Aldridge, C.L., and Reese, K.P. Determining the extent of introgression of Sharp-tailed Grouse into an endangered Sage-Grouse population. Being prepared for the Auk.
• Bird, K.L. and Reese, K.P. Genetic analysis of lost feathers on Sage-Grouse leks in Alberta reveals that traditional lek count census techniques underestimate male population size. Being prepared for the Journal of Wildlife Management.
Articles Published in Non-Scientific Journals
• Bush, K.L. 2006. Letter to the APWS Grant Committee. American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society 10: 27-28.
• Bush, K.L. 2006. Details of the Project. Part I: Sage-Grouse Project. American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society 10: 29-30.
• Bush, K.L. 2006. Part II: Sharp-tailed Grouse Project. American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society 10: 31-32.
• Bush, K. L. and Bush, D.R. 2006. The Reeves Pheasant. The Feather Fancier 62 (696): 1.
• Bush, K. L. and Bush, D.R. 2006. The Elliot Pheasant. The Feather Fancier 62 (692): 1.
• Bush, K.L. 2005. Detection of a Significant Female Sex Bias at Hatch in a Declining Population of Canadian Sage-Grouse. American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society 8: 29-34.
• Bush, K. L. and Bush, D.R. 2003. The Reeves Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesi). The Canadian Ornamental Pheasant and Game Bird Association 25(3): 8-10.
• Bush, K. L. 2003. Paternity Analysis of Southeastern Alberta Sage-Grouse: An Overview of My Research. Prairie Ornamental Pheasant and Waterfowl Association April/May: 20-25.
• Bush, K. L. 2003. An Overview of Pheasant Phylogenetics. American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society 3: 29-35
• Bush, K. L. 2003. Paternity Analysis of Southeastern Alberta Sage-Grouse. American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society 2: 31-35.
• Bush, K. L. 2003. An Overview of Pheasant Phylogenetics. Canadian Ornamental Pheasant and Game Bird Association 24 (11): 22-27.
• Bush, K. L. and Bush, D.R. 2002. The Elliot Pheasant (Syrmaticus ellioti). The Canadian Ornamental Pheasant and Game Bird Association 24(7): 12-14.
• Bush, K. L. 2002. Sex Determination in Birds and DNA Sexing. Parrotlet Chatter 2: 4.
• Bush, K. L. 2002. Review of Ecological Factors Governing Green-Rumped Parrotlet (Forpus passerinus) Survival. Parrotlet Chatter 1: 4.
• Bush, K. L. and Bush, D.R. 2001. The Impeyan Pheasant (Lophophorus impeyanus). Prairie Ornamental Pheasant and Waterfowl Association Bulletin. January/February 2001: 5-7.
• Bush, K.L. 2009. Genetic Diversity and Paternity Analysis of Endangered Canadian Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta
• Bush, K.L. 2003. Genetic Analysis of Southeastern Alberta Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Unpublished Honors Thesis, University of Alberta.
• Bush, K. L. 2001. Pheasant Phylogenetics. Unpublished Honors Thesis, University of Alberta.
Research Abstracts
• Bush, K.L. 2004. Genetic Diversity and Paternity Analysis of Endangered Canadian Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). MSc. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta. Picoides 17(1): 14-15.
Conference Presentations and Abstracts
• Bird, K.L., Kaczor, N.W., and Reese, K.P. February 2013. Using Landscape Genetics to Identify Barriers to Endangered Species. 10th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference and Workshop. Regina, Saskatchewan (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Carpenter, J.E., Paszkowski, C.A., Boyce, M.S., and Coltman, D.W. June 2010. The secret sex lives of Sage-Grouse: multiple paternity, reduced variance in male mating success, and intraspecific nest parasitism revealed through genetic analysis. 27th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Twin Falls, Idaho (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Kaczor, N.W., and Reese, K.P. June 2010. Integrating genetics and GIS to determine the impact of anthropogenic disturbance on Greater Sage-Grouse. 27th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Twin Falls, Idaho (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Davis, D.M., Reese, K.P., Gardner, S.C., and Bush, K.L. June 2010. The genetic structure of Greater Sage-Grouse populations in Northeastern California. 27th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Twin Falls, Idaho (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Vinsky, M.D., Paszkowski, C.A., and Coltman, D.W. September 2008. Detrimental effects of energy development on the genetic diversity and relatedness of Powder River Basin Greater Sage-Grouse. 11th International Grouse Symposium. Whitehorse, Yukon (Oral Presentation & Abstract).
• Bush, K.L., Paszkowski, C.A., and Coltman, D. August 2008. Range edge periphery & fragmentation do not impact population structure & genetic diversity of northern Montana & Canadian Sage-Grouse. American Ornithologists' Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists 2008 Meeting. Portland, Oregon (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Battazzo, A., Carpenter, J., Doherty, K., Moynahan, B., Sauls, H., Tack, J., Walker, B., Naugle, D., Paszkowski, C.A., and Coltman, D. June 2008. Things that we thought we knew about Sage-Grouse, but don't: an investigation of dispersal, lek structure, and genetic diversity. 26th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Mammoth Lakes, California (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Carpenter, J.E. Eslinger, D. Nicholson, J., Boyce, M.S., Paszkowski, C.A., and Coltman, D.W. June 2008. Lek counts underestimate lek attendance based on genetic sampling of molted feathers. 26th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Mammoth Lakes, California (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Nicholson, J., Paszkowski, C.A., & Coltman, D.W. 2007. Genetic Analysis of Southern Alberta Plains Sharp-tailed Grouse. 27th Meeting and Scientific Paper Session of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council. Chamberlain, South Dakota (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Nicholson, J., Paszkowski, C.A., & Coltman, D.W. 2007. Genetic Tests Reveals Introgression of Plains Sharp-tailed Grouse into the Northern Montana Sage-Grouse Population. 27th Meeting and Scientific Paper Session of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council. Chamberlain, South Dakota (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Battazzo, A., Carpenter, J., Doherty, K., Moynahan, B., Sauls, H., Tack, J., Walker, B., Naugle, D., Paszkowski, C.A., & Coltman, D.W.. 2007. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Northern Montana Sage-Grouse & Conservation Implications for Endangered Canadian Birds. The Wildlife Society Conference. Tuscon, Arizona (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Battazzo, A., Carpenter, J., Doherty, K., Moynahan, B., Sauls, H., Tack, J., Walker, B., Naugle, D., Paszkowski, C.A., and Coltman, D. 2007. Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Northern Montana Sage-Grouse Population and the Implications for Conservation in Alberta. Alberta Wildlife Society Conference. Canmore, Alberta. (Oral Presentation & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L. and Nicholson, J. 2007. Hybridization of Endangered Alberta and Saskatchewan Sage-Grouse with Plains Sharp-tailed Grouse and the Impact on Sage-Grouse Conservation in Canada. Alberta Wildlife Society Conference. Canmore, Alberta. (Poster)
• Bush, K.L. 2007. The use of a Pressure Operated Drop Net for Capturing Endangered Sage-Grouse in Southeastern Alberta and Potential Uses for Other Bird and Small Mammal Species. Alberta Wildlife Society Conference. Canmore, Alberta. (Abstract)
• Bush, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Battazzo, A., Carpenter, J., Doherty, K., Moynahan, B., Sauls, H., Tack, J., Walker, B., Naugle, D., Paszkowski, C.A., and Coltman, D. 2007. Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Northern Montana Sage-Grouse Population: Consequences for the management of the endangered Canadian sub-populations. 8th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference and Workshop. Regina, Saskatchewan (Poster & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L. and Nicholson, J. 2007. Frequent Hybridization Occurrence in an Endangered Sage-Grouse Population and the Impact on Sage-Grouse Conservation. 8th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference and Workshop. Regina, Saskatchewan (Poster & Abstract)
• Bush, K.L. and Paszkowski, C.A. 2006. Genetic diversity analysis of Canadian and northern Montana Sage-grouse: implications for the conservation of the endangered Canadian population. 2006. 25th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Spearfish, South Dakota (Oral Presentation & Abstract).
• Bush, K.L., Nation, P.N., and Paszkowski, C.A. 2006. Abnormal Alberta sage-grouse embryos: current project status and directions for future. 25th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Spearfish, South Dakota (Oral Presentation & Abstract).
• Bush, K.L. and Paszkowski, C.A. 2006. Endangered Canadian Sage-Grouse Genetic Diversity. Canadian Society of Zoologists 45th Annual Meeting. Edmonton, Alberta (Oral Presentation & Abstract).
• Bush, K.L. 2005. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Canadian and Northern Montana Sage-Grouse.
Canadian Sage-Grouse Recovery Team Meeting. Medicine Hat, Alberta (Oral Presentation)
• Bush, K.L. 2005. Abnormal Sage-Grouse embryos from Alberta. Canadian Sage-Grouse Recovery Team Meeting. Medicine Hat, Alberta (Oral Presentation).
• Bush, K.L. and Paszkowski, C.A. 2005. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Northern Montana Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). 2005 Annual Conference and Meeting, Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Nisku, Alberta (Oral Presentation & Abstract).
• Bush, K.L., Aldridge, C.L., Paszkowski, C.A., Boyce, M.S., Coltman, D.W., and Nation, P. September 2004. Consequences of inbreeding in a small declining population of Alberta Sage-Grouse.11th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society.Calgary, Alberta. (Abstract).
• Bush, K.L. February 2004. Detection of a Significant Female Sex Ratio Bias in a Declining Population of Canadian Sage-Grouse. 38th Prairie Universities Biological Symposium (PUBS). Edmonton, Alberta. (Oral Presentation & Abstract).
Invited Presentations
• Bush, K.L. 2009. Why Behavioral Ecology is Important for Species Conservation & Management. Guest lecture for Wildlife I, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
• Bush, K.L. 2009. Genetic Diversity and Paternity Analysis of Endangered Canadian Greater Sage-Grouse. Fish and Wildlife 501 Seminar Series, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
• Bush, K.L. 2008. Birds that know more boundaries: a genetic study of the Northern Montana Sage-Grouse population. Presentation to the Crossing the Medicine Line Network: Elkwater Spring Forum. Elkwater, Alberta.
• Bush, K.L. 2007. Conservation Concerns for Southern Alberta Sage-Grouse and Sharp-tailed Grouse. Alberta Grouse Technical Council Meeting. Sherwood Park, Alberta.
• Bush, K.L. November 2006. Transcending Geopolitical Boundaries: Using Genetics and Ecology to Examine the Diversity and Structure of the Northern Montana Sage-Grouse Population. Presentation to the Crossing the Medicine Line Network: Glasgow Fall Forum (in conjunction with the Montana Sage-Grouse Working Group Meeting). Glasgow, Montana.
• Bush, K.L. March 2003. Phylogenetic Relationships of the Phasianidae Reveals Possible Non-Pheasant Taxa and Paternity Analysis of Southeastern Alberta Sage-Grouse. Research Presentation for Dr. Arcese’s Research Group, University of British Columbia.
• Bush, K.L.
February 2003. Paternity Analysis of Southeastern Alberta Sage-Grouse. Research Presentation for the Prairie Ornamental Pheasant and Waterfowl Association.
University of Alberta Presentations
• Bush, K.L. and Paszkowski, C.A. March 2006. Genetic diversity analysis of endangered Canadian Sage-Grouse. Biological Sciences Graduate Student Research Days. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. (Oral Presentation and Abstract)
• Bush, K.L. February 2005. Using temporal and spatial controls to determine population boundaries and genetic diversity in Canadian and northern Montana Sage-Grouse. Ecology Student Seminar Series. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. (Oral Presentation)
• Bush, K.L., Paszkowski, C.A., and Nation, P.N. January 2005. Developmental abnormalities in southeastern Alberta Sage-Grouse embryos and possible links to inbreeding. Biological Sciences Graduate Student Research Days. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. (Oral Presentation and Abstract)
Press Releases about Krista Bush’s Research
• 2005: WWF Canada web site - on-line article - WWF Sponsored Projects: The Endangered Alberta and Saskatchewan Sage-Grouse, http://www.wwf.ca/NewsAndFacts/Projects/2005/sagegrouse.asp
• June 2005: Edmonton Journal - Newspaper Article - “Researcher Hunts for mounted Sage Grouse”
• June 2005: Regina Leader-Post - Newspaper Article - “Public Assistance Sought on Study”
• May 2005: CBC Radio Saskatchewan - Noon Edition with Joanne Skidmore - “Historic Sage-Grouse Research”
• April 2005: The Bird Atlas Gazette - Newsletter Article - “Wanted: Historic Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Northern Montana Sage-Grouse Samples”
• April 2005: The Alberta Wildlifer - Newsletter Article for the Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society - “Request for Sage-Grouse Samples”
• March 2005: Brooks & County Chronicle - Newspaper Article - “Sage-Grouse”
• March 2005: The Western Producer - Newspaper Article - “Grouse Feathers Sought”
• February 2005: Bow Island Commentator - Newspaper Article - “Sage-Grouse”
• February 2005: Lethbridge Herald - Newspaper Article - “CSI: Sage-grouse”
• February 2005: Medicine Hat News - Letter to the Editor - “Wanted: Historic Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Northern Montana Sage-Grouse Samples”
• February 2005: Sunny South News - Newspaper Article - “Sage-Grouse”
• January 2005: Hunting for Tomorrow - Electronic Newsletter - “Wanted: Historic Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Northern Montana Sage-Grouse Samples”
Technical Consultation
• Scientific advisor to the Canadian Sage-Grouse Recovery Team. 2005 - present.
Professional Memberships
• The Alberta Society of Professional Biologists, The Wildlife Society (Canadian Chapter), and The Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology
Scientific Paper Review
• I have reviewed multiple papers for the following Journals: Journal of Field Ornithology, Journal of Heredity, Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Pictures that I have taken have been featured in:
• Molles, M. and Cahill, J. 2008. Ecology, 1st Edition. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, Canada.
• 2007 ACA Grants in Biodiversity Poster Campaign & 2006/2007 Biennial Report Book
• 2005 WWF Information Page